Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Go Clones!!

Random Thoughts for Today:

* I really hate the Hawkeyes.... big game on Saturday at 11am [thanks Kahn] (ESPN)
* I can't find the song for the Universal Marine and RV commercials on iTunes. As if I haven't heard it enough yet, I want to download the dang thing!!
* 48 degrees on the way in this morning - and foggy. Fall is definitely here
* Gas dropped to $2.26 in Rochester yesterday. Funny how people think that's cheap after what we've been through this past summer, when in actuality - it's still way too high. BP isn't going to have record profits if they keep dropping the price at the pump.
* Twins win again (5 in a row) in exciting fashion (4 runs in the bottom of the 8th) - still only 1.5 behind Detroit.
* It's official - the Braves cannot win the division so the string ends.
* This store loses $300,000 in free furniture since the Bears shut out the Packers. What were they thinking?!?!?!?
* Star Wars is re-re-released on DVD. This is the original trilogy without any CGI. So some people (not I) will shell out another wad of cash for another version of the same movie. It's like having the original Caddyshack, the Collector's Edition Caddyshack, and the 25th Anniversary of Caddyshack (available soon I'm sure)..... he still makes the putt in the end.
* New iPod Shuffle that is amazingly small (1GB). How many times will that thing get lost though? Too bad it still comes with the same crappy headphones.
* Also a new "even smaller" iPod Nano that boasts 24 hours of battery life... so would have been good for a trip to China or Japan. Also an 8GB model! That's 8GB of flash memory there:) Pretty cool stuff.
* Britney and Kevin have another boy. Poor kid - that's now 4 kids for him, all under the age of 4.
* Greenday and U2 are collaborating together... that'll be pretty cool. U2 is also working on writing new stuff for a new album!! Awesome!
* I still hate the Squawkeyes.

Song of the Day - Garbage is on today. No, the band Garbage:)

Video of the Day - This is well done and makes me laugh.... Charlie Brown and the gang perform Hey Ya!!!

Webpage of the Day
- This is kind of cool too. Growing mushrooms and based on the rules, you get different patterns. Try the patterns that they have listed, some of them are really sweet (yet simple). Another favorite of mine was planting seeds all along the border.


Kahnman said...

The Iowa/Iowa State game on Saturday is on at 11:05AM. You'll likely miss a few draw plays if you tune in at noon.

The thing about the Star Wars re-release is that they are selling them individually for the first time. They are still the remade movies, BUT have a bonus disc with the original movie version on them. Just another spin so Lucas can generate some more money. Did you notice the Lord of the Rings movies were released a couple of weeks ago with both the theatrical, and extended versions in the same package? I think Peter had to make up for some of the money he lost on King Kong, so he decided to take a page out of Lucas's book.

Jill said...

Good ol Iowa with the lowest gas in the nation...filled up yesterday for $2.18!!! Less than $30 to fill the tank feels good again!!!