Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Blog To Make You Smarter

First thing I saw this morning online was that Christopher Tolkien has spent the last 30 years trying to finish his father's book and now it's to be published next spring. The Children of Hurin is another "epic" book about dwarves, elves, munchkins, gnomes, oompa-loompas, and Whooza Wuzzits. Ok, maybe I got my authors mixed up towards the end there, but you get the idea. J.R.R. Tolkien (no, not the guy that was shot on Dallas) abandoned the book, but young Christopher picked it up in order to give Peter Jackson another idea for a 5 hour movie! J.R.R stands for John Ronald Reuel in case you were dying to know (as I was for the past 3 minutes). There are rumors that Peter Jackson is thinking of completing the Tolkien works and will produce The Hobbit - the story of Bilbo Baggins (the Uncle that was a little loony by the time that Frodo came around). I thought this was the best of the four so I'd see it. The Hobbit celebrates 70 years of publication in 2008 so that's as good of an excuse as any to bring it out.

Speaking of Books - Dan Brown still owes us The Solomon Key which is to be released "no earlier than 2007". It's the 3rd book about Robert Langdon and is said to trace the story of the Freemasons, the founding fathers, and Washington DC. Think about the movie National Treasure and you'll probably be on the right track. If you're really curious, there's a bunch of information on Wikipedia (as always) about possible plot lines, random thoughts, etc. It also seems that there is pressure from the studios to have a follow up movie and someone will produce Angels and Demons to be released in 2008.

And speaking of fictional stories about the Pope.... Pope Benedict #16 is still in the news for saying the wrong thing and causing more tensions with the Muslim world. As if they don't have enough hatred for the Christian world, Benedict is only making it worse. I have been very unimpressed with the new Pope during his reign/tenure/whatever. He is way too conservative and stuck in the "old times" making Catholocism (and Christianity in some ways) not as appeasing to parts of the world. Comments like his most recent ones only make things worse.

And it's official - no Rochester McDonald's are participating in the Chicken Nuggets for $1 special. Another example of the Man keeping us down!!

Song of the Day - I picked up the CD by Charles Barkley, St. Elsewhere (not to be confused with St. Tickle Me Elmo's Fire) and I have to say this is one of the more interesting CDs I've heard in a long while. It's very retro and not at all what I was expecting. Of course I haven't listened to Crazy yet since thanks to the help of KROC, I can't stand that song. But the rest of the CD is definitely worth a listen to any fans of music!

Video of the Day - One of the funnier clips from The Daily Show recently.... Bush has done a commercial for Geiko and here it is for your amusement. I do like the new Geiko commercials though.

Webpage of the Day - New StrongBad Email....

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