Friday, August 04, 2006

Last But Not Least... Ohio

We take I-80/I-90 into Ohio. From there we go south a bit and our final destination is Tiffin, Ohio.

Ohio.... not fully Midwest, not fully New England, not fully part of the South. The state with a torn identity.

Capital is Columbus.... largest Metro population is..... Columbus!! That was news to me! It boasts two of the more widely known cities of Cleveland and Cincinnati, but who actually knew that Columbus was the largest city?

Ohio is the Iroquois word for "Good River" - referring to the Ohio River that forms the Southern Border. Ranks 7th for population, 34th in Area, and was the 17th state admitted to the Union. Ohio will always be known as the "2004 Presidential Election's version of Florida" where controversy over shadowed the Election itself.

(shortened version since we leave in the morning and I'm on my way to bed soon):

State Animal: White Tailed Deer (repeat)
State Bird: Cardinal (also a repeat)
State Tree: Buckeye (shocker!)
State Drink: Tomato Juice... no vodka, just the tomato juice.
State Rock Song: "Hang On Sloopy"
State Insect: Ladybug Beetle.... are those the things that don't ever die in the fall in Iowa and Minnesota?? They're not quite Ladybugs and not quite beetles? Just checking.

Have a good weekend y'all..... Enjoy the non-100 degree days!

1 comment:

Kahnman said...

Got a new band for ya that I was just introduced to. O.A.R. (Of a Revolution). They formed at THE Ohio State University, so that's why I'm telling this to you today. Good stuff that I think you'd enjoy.