Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Don't Let Your Mogwai Near Bright Light

ESPECIALLY SUNLIGHT.... Don't get your Mogwai wet, and most importantly, don't feed your Mogwai after midnight. I was never sure when that meant you could start feeding the Mogwai again.... 6am? 7am? Are they all on East Coast Time or do I use GMT (UTC now a days)? That is like the rule in Iowa (and most states) where you can't buy liquor at a store after 2am. When can I start buying it again? 4am? Technically noon is after 2am but I seem to be able to buy it just fine at noon. Ahh.... good ol' Gizmo!

Happy Belated Birthday to Eddie! He's the Oscar Meyer Weiner guy!

I extend a new welcome to the new blog titled: Eschew Obfuscation. It's being heralded by the NY Times as "One of the funniest new blogs to hit the web in centuries!" There was more there but I only read headlines. Chad is my best friend from High School who now lives in New York City and provides hours and hours of entertainment. Read at your own risk.

And if you were still wondering about That Girl Emily whom I referred to a couple of weeks ago. It came to a pretty lame ending last week. It was a definite viral advertising campaign for a Private Investigator that has a new show on Court TV. Lame... I was hoping for something a little better than that.

There's a lot of talk about this Landis guy. He's the dude that won the Tour de France but now they say he failed two tests on a single day for "raised testosterone levels". I have a few questions for both sides of the argument that I need to ask... as you will see, I am undecided as to whether he is guilty or not at this stage.
  1. To the Tour Officials.... why would only one day be accelerated and no traces found the other days?
  2. To Landis.... did you see some hot girls in the crowd that day that might have lead to raised testosterone levels? Or did you go to the gym that morning? I know I feel like I have "raised testosterone levels" after I go to the gym.
  3. To the Tour Officials..... who are you trying to get to win this thing? You obviously don't want an American winning it - wouldn't it be easier to just drop a Frenchman off about a mile from the finish line and hope nobody notices?
This whole thing is a mess - but I do wonder if an athelete would juice up (as is common in every sport now a days) and if he doesn't get caught, he can win... if caught, he writes a book worth millions to someone out there and still has money. That's my conspiracy theory of the day and I'm sticking to it.

And finally - the house of JonBenét Ramsey is up for sale again. The USA Today asks - Would you live in a death house? It's an interesting read to see what happened to some of the locations of key famous tragedies such as Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, OJ, and of course the Ramsey house. There's a webpage if you want to see more on celebrity deaths.... http://www.findadeath.com

Song of the Day - I am not sure if I've ever had REM be the SOTD but I honestly have Nightswimming running through my head for some reason this morning. It's one of their best songs (off of Automatic for the People).

Video of the Day - I watched the new DVD movie The Benchwarmers which had funny moments, but was just strange overall. And as much as I hate Napoleon Dynamite, the same guy is in this movie and plays the EXACT SAME STUPID CHARACTER. So I did not enjoy that aspect of the film. It's short thankfully so you get your laughs over with. David Spade also seems to be going nowhere with his career anymore.

Webpage of the Day - Top 10 Video Games that teach you valuable skills for life.... #1 - Carmen Sandiego!! I never did catch that #@)$*#@$.... gave up before I was far enough along to catch her.


Anonymous said...

I think you can buy beer after 6:00 am in Iowa. You just can't buy it from 2-6 am. I'm not sure if I'm right, but I haven't run in to any problems buying beer early in the morning when we're tailgating.

Chad said...

Awesome! Thanks for the great plug!

Nice blog, keep it up!