Thursday, August 24, 2006

College Football 101

With the College Football season starting, I felt it was time to give you all MY rules of being a fan for this year. These are my rules and I'm sticking to them.

* The Cyclone game takes precedence over all other football games, all other activities, and all other "opportunities" that don't involve watching the ISU game on TV. The Cyclones represent all that is good in this world. If the game is not on TV (which is usually the case since we don't have our own TV contract), then cell phone updates (every 5 minutes) or web broadcasts (while at work in Burlington last year or while in China/Ireland) will also suffice.
* The Iowa Squawkeyes represent all that is evil in this world. They should be rooted against at ALL TIMES! This includes if for some reason they go to represent our country against North Korea in a grudge match.... you still root for the opponent. Any fan from Iowa State that says they "root for Iowa all the other times of the year" is a liar and should be hung from their shoelaces. Any one that has an Iowa sticker on their car can be assumed to have an IQ less than 20 and you should call the police immediately to let them know that "one of them escaped". 'Nuff said.
* When it's Big 12 vs a non-Big 12 opponent..... I root for the Big 12 school about 95% of the time. The exception being Nebraska. The Cornhuskers rank #2 on the "schools I have come to despise due to my proper education in Ames" in football. They ran up the score too many times on us and now they must pay. A true Cyclone fan has two color of fan attire.... Bright Red to wear at the Iowa/Iowa State games and Bright Yellow to wear when Iowa State sticks it to the Cornhuskers in October this year!
* Notre Dame needs to join a conference. Till they get rid of their private TV contract and their agreement with the BCS that as long as they win like 8 games, they automatically qualify for a BCS birth, they are #3 on the "wish against" list. Rudy would have been better off wearing Cardinal and Gold.
* I don't mind schools from the Pac-10. We never play them, they never affect us directly.
* The state of Florida has too many championships (or failed championships for that matter) and shouldn't be cheered for too often. When they play each other, it's usually best to hope for a miracle and both teams lose. There are three of them, take your pick.
* There should be NO polls throughout the season - it only encourages teams to run up the scores. And being on the losing end of these games in the past - it sucks and sucks big time. But those days are behind us so it's time to return the favor. Kansas State is top of my list this year! They're supposed to suck!
* The BCS is a joke and should be banished. The fact that over 50% of the teams make it to a bowl game is also a joke, but makes TV watching in December all that much better!
* The player that wins the Heisman is a good player, but will most likely fail in the NFL (based on history). So stop adding pressure by predicting the Heisman winner for the class of 2012 already!
* Bud Light is the beer of choice for tailgating, watching the game, celebrating a victory, mourning a loss, celebrating an off week, cheering on the team that is playing the Squawkeyes, or when you simply hear the word "football". The drink of choice the morning of the game is either Screwdrivers ("HEY, WHO DRANK ALL MY VODKA??!?!") or Hot Chocolate with Peppermint Schnapps.
* This year, fans of BigShow's Blog hail from all over the country. Expect weekly predictions for the Cyclone victories (including pre and post game, predictions for the Arizona Wildcats and their rowdy fans, predictions for Moorehead State (more fans), and probably the rest of the Big 12. If you'd like me to express my opinion for your school, let me know!!! I'll usually comment on the big games of the week anyway.

Song of the Day - My commentary on Fight Songs. Sure, I'm biased and know that the Iowa State Fight Song is the best in the country (either version will suffice), but there are two others that I enjoy. Michigan Fight Song is also a good one to get stuck in your head. I love hearing that song when they are playing Iowa because the more you hear it, the more they are beating the crap out of Iowa. Notre Dame also has a good fight song, even though I hate hearing it (means they are winning or just scored).

Video of the Day - A classic film to love is Rudy and that might be the only time you'll see me smile when Notre Dame is on the field. Like I said, my hatred stems from them getting special treatment all the time. Can't say I blame them for taking advantage of it, but it's still dumb. Rudy is a great film, but sets up that guy to always hear me chant "RU-DY RU-DY RU-DY" in any movie he appears in (like Lord of the Rings and 50 First Dates).

Webpage of the Day - For any fans of SuperTroopers.... you'll find this really funny.


Kahnman said...

The Cyclones represent all that is good in this world.

If they represent all that is good, why do they always break our hearts year after year?

Rudy would have been better off wearing Cardinal and Gold.

Rudy would have been a starter for the Cyclones, so there wouldn't have been a heart-warming story involved had he gone to ISU.

Anonymous said...

I like paying the $5 a month to Yahoo Sports so I can listen to the local Ames broadcasters over the internet. It's nice to hear the game with a pro-ISU bais when not able to watch the game.

Anonymous said...

Ah, football is in air. The stadium will be rocking this year at my little guy (Quinn) gets to experience the fun of Cyclone football. Of course, he won't have a clue what is going on, but then neither do a lot of people in the stands (including me - ha!).

It will be interesting to see your predictions. I will have to point out your mistakes, of course :-)

Go Cyclones! See you at the game.

Anonymous said...

Go Cyclones and AZ Wildcats!! Cheers to a great football season! Thanks for giving Arizona Wildcat predictions this year. You are the best!