Can Hypnotist End Lohan Shopping Addiction??
Quality reporting there folks!! News that matters.
Drew and I were paired together last night for golf which provided for some scary moments. But we pulled out an impressive 41 with some quality chipping on both of our parts. Drew had a birdie on 7 all by himself since we used all 4 of his shots. I had my lesson yesterday which I know will help in the long run. I just have a lot of practicing to do. It's just like an instrument, you take a lesson but can't expect to see immediate results without putting in the practice to make the new tricks take action. I'll be spending a lot of time in the yard this weekend with the whiffle balls practicing and out on the driving range.
So I was thinking yesterday about The Breakfast Club (which was on ABC family last night ironically) and decided there are some other movies that help define "my generation". I would even say these movies help define anyone who graduated high school between 1994 and 1996 (one year each way of me).
- The Princess Bride - a bus trip classic and I think everyone in that category above has seen the movie at least 10 times.
- Pulp Fiction - while some people will say they hated that movie, it was out right after I graduated high school in 1995. We saw it probably 15 times in the $1.50 movie theatre since there was nothing else to do.
- The Breakfast Club - another movie that everyone has seen. Was out when we were still in middle school.
- Star Wars Trilogy - even though I only remember seeing Episode VI in the theatre.
- Top Gun - big on planes after this one. More interested in the fast jets than the fast women while watching it.
- Dazed and Confused - the bridge to college was helped with this one. Watch out for the Soul Pole!
Miami lost to Detroit last night in basketball. This has been a good series to watch, and good for the NBA. Series is now 3-2 Miami as they return to the south for game 6 Friday night. They need to win or they'll be going home. They should have won last night but Wade was a joke from the line and Shaq couldn't step up either. The French open has begun as well but I haven't had time to watch it yet. Hopefully this weekend I can catch up on the clay court madness.
Song of the Day - My iTunes playlists are caught up. I had lost them all with the new laptop last November and I finally went through all 10,000+ songs and put them into playlists. But now I have Kashmir running through my head after thinking about Dazed and Confused movie from earlier.
Video of the Day - Hazel and I FINALLY finished Rear Window this week after inching through it for the past month. I don't mind watching movie in segments and will find myself doing that on the weekends with movies. It takes me a few seconds to remember where we left off, but then I'm ok. Hazel wants to rewatch it since she had fallen asleep in the movie so many times and missed a lot. It was pretty good. Probably one of the better Hitchcock films I've seen thus far.
Webpage of the Day - Ice Cream Truck Driver gets a DUI.... check out his level and imagine what those conversations were like when you're trying to get a Bomb-pop from him. Speaking of bombed.....
I only include the Wizard of Oz if it's like this. Have you ever tried the Dark Side of the Rainbow? That's where you listen to Pink Floyd's, Dark Side of the Moon, and watch The Wizard of Oz at the same time. If you haven't done that, you need to come over sometime and we'll do it. I'm a firm believer that there's something going on there.
I would have put Pure Country somewhere i nthe 30's on the movie list. I wonder why it didn;t make the list?
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