Monday, June 05, 2006

Spam Spam Spam Spam

Happy Monday!

I read about this last week in my USA Today and it's still going on and it still bothers me. It's the National News Story about the two college girls that were in a car accident back in April and one died, the other was hospitalized. Now it seems that they had the two girls' identities reversed. The poor family of one mourned their loss and came to terms with their loss for weeks, only to find out that she is indeed alive. The worse of the two situations is the family that thought their daughter was still alive and cared for her for 5 weeks in the hospital only to find out that she isn't their daughter and the person they thought was there, is actually dead and already buried. I'm still trying to figure out how with modern day science and medicine something like this can happen.... just baffles me. They have pictures of the two girls next to each other saying how much they resembled each other.... I guess I don't see it. Just about as much as I look like Mr. Clean though.

This past weekend was filled with a trip to Austin, MN area to visit Hazel's family. We enjoyed a wonderful tour through the infamous SPAM museum. It's worth the free tour if you happen to be in Austin. Not sure I'd drive cross country to visit it, but it was pretty funny to go through. They tell you that all the information you have heard about what makes up SPAM is wrong and it's actually just the shoulder parts of the pig. Hmmmmm..... I do want to try the "hot & spicy" SPAM this weekend.

They also have a SPAM Mobile. Since my connections with Oscar Meyer have failed to get me a ride in the Weiner Mobile, my new goal is to get a ride on the SPAM Mobile. While not as cool of a conquest, it would still be pretty sweet!

Finally, I finished an amazing book this weekend. Wyatt loaned me her copy of The Time Traveler's Wife which at first I thought it was going to be a romance novel. Within 10 pages I was hooked on the book. It probably qualifies as a science-fiction drama with less emphasis on the sci-fi and more on the drama. It's incredibly well written and caused some intriguing interest from me that I haven't had in a book in a long time. Basically, Henry is an involuntary time-traveler who only wants to live a normal life. Through time, he meets his wife Clare and they have a very unnatural relationship in three elements of time: past, present and future. She meets him for the first time at age 6 when he's in his late 30s. Henry meets her for the first time when he's 28 in the present when she knows everything about him, and he knows nothing about who she is. Sounds confusing, yes - but it was surprisingly easy to follow after the first 30 pages or so.

Song of the Day - I have a little bit of Guns N Roses playing this morning. Nothing starts out a week quite like GNR!!

Video of the Day - One of the best parts of the SPAM museum was the tribute to the Monty Python segment to SPAM. I used to spend some time watching Monty Python but I don't remember this segment originally. But here it is for you to laugh and enjoy. Dang Vikings!

Webpage of the Day - The Carlsen twins head home today. These are the Conjoined Twins that were separated here in Rochester. Here's an updated page from Mayo of their news and status.


Kahnman said...

I enjoy the SPAM billboards along I90. Some of my favorites over the years have been, "Not all hogs make it to Strugis," and "Yes, we cover the ingredients question."

adickins00 said...

I thought dental records were standard procedure in an accident. Just trying to figure out who made the decision as to which girl was dead and which wasn't.....

Still a baffeling (and sad) story to be reading in 2006 with technology and medicine as advanced as it is.