Friday, March 31, 2006

Happy Saint Dickinson Day!!!

Happy Birthday Mom!!

On this day, sometime in the 2nd half of the 20th Century, my mother (Becky) was born. Growing up in Nebraska, she met my dad - had my brother, then decided there might still be a good child yet to come so they had me. My mom should be sainted..... saintified..... sainthoodified...... or sainthoodificationalized. Whatever the word is. She's an incredible person as anyone that's met her can attest to. Plus she gets bonus points for having to raise my brother and I. Here's a picture of my mom for you to all enjoy today on her birthday.

So in honor of this special day (a very rainy day here in MN..... this is the rain you need in Nebraska, Cari), I'd like to ask all of my dedicated readers to drop a quick happy birthday note in my comments section. She'd appreciate that. Even though she only reads about once a week, my dad will help make sure she reads by the end of the day!


No Drew and no Kristi at work yet.... could Baby Vesterby have arrived? I still submit the name "Poncho" for a boy and "Britney" if it's a girl.... nothing wrong with that name;)

It's time to golf but looks like it will rain pretty much all week. I will swing some clubs this weekend at the RAC at least. Now that bowling is over, we have a few weeks of break till golf league starts. The courses are open, just only the die hards out there.

Have a great weekend! This weekend is "catch up on house chores" weekend for me since Hazel has to work again. Happy early April Fool's Day as well!

Song of the Day - In honor of my mom, I'll listen to some of her music today. She's a big fan of Paul McCartney (and thus the Beatles), the Rolling Stones, Madonna..... Korn, Slipknot, and Megadeath. Ok, maybe I made those last three up but she's still pretty cool! She also listens to some stuff I'll pass on like Enya, Josh Gag-me Grobin......

Video of the Day
- Um..... not much to say on this video but I enjoyed it.... Some of you might be smart enough to know what show that is. Ah, the days of free cable - and stuff.

Webpage of the Day - Drew officially challenged me to a dual yesterday by submitting today's Webpage of the Day. It's a 15 pound burger. For $30 you get the most kick ass burger I've seen. While the 15 pounder is probably meant for a group to split, I'm still up for trying out the 6 pound burger. Remember, I'm a professional eating champion! I have the shirt to prove it!!


Anonymous said...

I will be the first to wish Debba Debba a Happy Birthday. .................Todd

Jill said...

A mother with the abilities to raise you should definitely be considered for sainthood!! Happy Birthday Becky!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mama Dickinson!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great day Becky and a nice weekend!!!

Cari said...

Thanks Adam, glad you are thinking of me. We had the rain yesterday, except we had tornados too. They hit right in the middle of Omaha, yikes. Nothing in Lincoln or at home in Nebraska City.

Happy birthday Becky!!!

Anonymous said...

It's time we told you... you are adopted, much as you've suspected for years. Mom and Dad figured they could never have another as perfect as me, so they quit trying and instead made a trip to the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm (wait, maybe that was Snoopy). Oh, and thanks for the slam in line 2 of today's blog. Much appreciated. HBD Mom!
Your Bro

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! May you have a wonderful birthday and fabulous year! Here's to you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Dickinson!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Becky! Hope you have a great day. Sorry, the card will be really really late, cuz I'm working today (at the P.O.) and forgot to bring the card with me to mail, since I didn't get it out to the mail box yesterday.


Adam's auntie c. and uncle m.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Mrs. D! You did a great job with Adam--he's really fab. Here's to another wonderful year!


Anonymous said...

Side note to Adam--Yes, I know what show from which your "Video of the Day" came (but out of respect for your viewiwng audience, I won't type it out loud). :)
