Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Day 1 in China

I'm in China.... and it's almost midnight but I'm still wide awake. The trip over was a pain as they usually always are but I'm here.

Note to all of you - don't fly through Delhi India unless you are traveling to India. I almost was stuck there in the middle of the night but there was quite the gentleman from American Airlines that hooked me up and saved me. And another note - don't take pictures inside the Delhi Airport... They don't like that too much. And the worst part of it was standing there, tired as heck.... sweating in clothes I had been wearing way too long (plus it was probably 80 degrees in the airport with no AC whatsoever).... and I can hear music. As I listen closer, it's Seal's Kiss by a Rose or whatever but Elevator Music style. There was a couple other songs that I recognized but couldn't place the cheezy elevator music version.

Tony's here which is a relief. He's taught me the essentials of walking down town Shekou..... Stop and No are the ones you need the most for all of the prostitutes and women with kids begging for money. They follow you for blocks as you tell them to stop and no.

I already miss Ice Cubes more than anything. The front desk hooked me up with some. And most of the pop and water you buy isn't cold. It's probably 60-70 here during the day which is too warm for me at the moment. I'm used to 10-20 degrees outside.

I had about an hour to waste at the Hong Kong Airport till my shuttle/boat left for the mainland China. I went to where it said there was food and what did I see as I got off the escalator? BURGER KING!!!!! That was the best Whopper Meal Deal I've ever had after a crappy 24 hours of traveling! It cost $38 Hong Kong Dollars (which is very close to the Main Land China Dollars) so now everything I buy is in relation to my Whopper Meal Deal.... $100 for that? Well that's like 3 trips to BK so no, it's not worth it.....

Took a boat to China. I wish I had a cell phone when I finally got through customs so i could call everyone and say I just got off the slow boat to China..... not sure why I find that so funny after years and years of using that expression and now I actually took a slow boat to China for that last 30 minute part of my trip:)

Tony took me to an awesome restaurant where I had Chicken Cordon Bleu. It was very good! And a Coke. Then we went out for some drinks and played some pool. I won 3 games then purposely lost the 4th so I could give up the table and get back to blog and then bed.

Oh yeah, and when i found my room, I turned on the TV to see MNF on! LIVE even! Instead of listening to John Madden, I listened to Chinese commentators and I couldn't understand 75% of what they said...... rabble rabble rabble Bret Favre rabble rabble rabble Deon Sanders.... and so on. And for those that are wondering, the Packers look as crappy on TV here in China as they do on TV back in the US!!!! haha!!!

I'm off to bed and then to work tomorrow! Miss y'all and have a great week. If you're wondering, it's +14 hours here. So 10:00 am Tuesday there is actually 12:00am on Wednesday!



Anonymous said...


Glad you made it. I was starting to worry. .............Dad

Jill said...

Also glad to hear you made it and of course you have a new wonderful story of Delhi! So how sure are you that it was actually chicken since everything seems to taste like chicken...and did you REALLY say no to the prostitutes or just to the women with kids begging for $$$? Kidding...I'm sure it was the other way around with your big heart! Have fun, Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Have you found a Panda Express yet?

Anonymous said...

oh no...you are always gone when fun things happen. you are NEVER gonna guess who broke her phone. yeah...went through the washing machine. yeah the cold cyle. but i guess im just a good lookin gal...i got a brand new one for free!

adickins00 said...

No Panda Express - sorry to disappoint. But there are a bunch of other places to tell you about tomorrow.... stay tuned!

Kristin, I'll see about picking you up a cheap phone here (looking for me as well) and bring it home for you for the NEXT time you break a phone. I told you that the pretty girls can get whatever you want if you just try hard enough!

Anonymous said...

Confused about the $100, was that for your Burger King or for the hooker?
Your Bro