Thursday, November 03, 2005

Halloween Cleanup

Sharing some pictures of the cutest Spiderman and Woody (from Toy Story) you'll ever see

Thanks Jennifer for the ideas of using Picasa2 for some neat layout options. Something for me to play with today and understand more of! If you haven't gone to Google to see their "extra" tools, I suggest going there. The ones I am using a lot anymore are Google Earth and Picasa2. Google Earth is the same as their Google Maps but has a ton of more functionality.

Here's also Emily the Turtle (not a Frog like I originally thought - sorry Emily.

I used the past couple of days to try to remember all of my Halloween costumes. I remember being a football player when we were still living in Texas. In fact, that's one of about 10 memories I have anymore of Texas. We put a big red "N" on the helmet which I think stands for "Knowledge". Sorry, I was young and didn't know that I should have been wearing Cardinal and Gold. I could sue my parents for child cruelty for making me wear that! I was a smurf in Kindergarten, and a red Crayola Crayon in 1st Grade. Now it gets fuzzy..... but I was a clown one year too. I'll have to go through my photo books at home to see what else I'm missing. Mom, Dad... any others that you can think of?

Speaking of Smurf costume..... you're gonna love this. One of the embarrassing stories of me out there (there are many if you get Eddie, Brian, and Boy drunk enough.... they'll tell you). So in Kindergarten I went as a smurf. My mother worked so hard and diligently on making my costume that had a white hat, blue shirt, blue tights, white shorts with a blue tail, and white shoes. I was "Cute Smurf" I like to think. Think of the generic smurf that never got any special attention from Smurfette (story of my life!! haha). So when we were paraded around the elementary school in our costumes, I was in a rush and someone had hid my shorts (i'm convinced someone hid them... I don't lose things). So I paraded around in my tights which you could see my He-Man underwear or whatever I had at the time and my brother was so embarrassed having me march around with no shorts on. It happens.

I'm rolling again tonight for the Brews Brothers. I'm 4th worst average in the league now after my stellar 399 last week. We are without Fisher so we will appear to be a sorry bunch to the average Joe, but to all of our millions of true fans, they know we are the Glue that holds the team together. Krabby in lead off, Me in the middle man roll, and Pat playing the money spot? Is that right? wow..... who needs Fisher and his 210 average that he can't hit!?!?!?

ROOMMATE ADAM - DON'T READ THIS PARAGRAPH: Any predictions for The Apprentice tonight? After getting rid of a lot of dead weight last week with the greatest defeat ever, I'm interested how he reshapes the teams. I thought it was hilarious watching Jennifer M try to talk her way out of getting fired. She needs to talk less. Notice how the three members that were told to go upstairs by Trump were all 3 that kept their mouths shut until they were directed to? That's called respect and in any stage of life, it will take you far. Nobody (including Trump) likes a rat (Josh and Toral) and nobody likes a bitchy whiner (Jennifer M and Toral) and nobody likes Toral whatsoever. I kind of liked Josh because he wasn't afraid to get in Markus's face and call him lazy and worthless. That was funny but unfortunately Markus is still around. I'm hoping he goes this week. I'm pulling for Randal because I think he's the best candidate at this point and has always seemed professional (as has Marshawn). I'm also pulling for Rebecca (yeah, the gimp) but that's because she's cute! haha.

It's a quiet and not as cold morning in Rochester. 37 on my way in but we hit 60-something yesterday. I'll keep today's short for y'all.

Song of the Day - Kahn got me started on Creed's My Sacrifice yesterday and I still have it going through my head. It's on the iTunes now (I mention another fine Apple product just for you Kahn) so hopefully will be out of my head soon.

Video of the Day - I borrowed Planes, Trains, and Automobiles from Regan and watched part of that last night. Man what a funny movie. John Candy at his finest. Just goes to show how us big guys are sweethearts (hint hint) that everyone loves! I know Uncle Buck was another good movie of Candy's, but I still think he and Steve Martin were a great pair in this flick. Del... why did you kiss me? Neal, why are you holding my hand? Where's your other hand? Between two pillows..... THOSE AREN'T PILLOWS!!!!!! How about them Bears?

Webpage of the Day - Joey Buttafucco is STILL around and making news. Still one of my favorite Beavis and Butthead episodes where they make fun of him. BRING BACK BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD!!!

Have a great Thursday. GO BREWS BROTHERS!!!!


Kahnman said...

I've actually never seen Planes, Train, and Automobiles. Isn't that sad?

Some of the Halloween costumes I remember wearing were a Storm Trooper, Batman, a pirate at least 3 years, and a wolfman.

Speaking of pirate, that reminds me of a joke. A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants. The bartender asks the pirate if it hurts. The pirate replies, "Arrrrgh, it's driving me nuts!"

adickins00 said...

I'm laughing more at the thought of you being a pirate for 3 years than I did at your joke.

I'll have to figure out what other costumes I had. I know I went trick or treating more than 4 times in my life.

Anonymous said...

My mom was always very ambitious with our costumes. Once I went as a horse (I was one of those little girls who was crazy about horses). My mom, a former art major, sculpted a horse head out of clay, papier-mached over it, then spent hours scooping out all the clay once the papier-mache was dry. Eye holes were cut out (on the nose of the horse head, I think) and black cloth put in their place (it was pretty hard to see while wearing it). Then of course, the whole thing was painted. I wore a hooded black sweatshirt with yarn sewn onto the hood for a mane, and to the back as a tail.

Other halloweens I went as a dinosaur, monarch butterfly, clown, ghost, witch, and some I can't remember.

Anonymous said...


One year we dressed you up as one of the seven dwarfs but no one could figure out what you were. It just didn't work. Wonder why? Dad

adickins00 said...

Kahn, I'll bring it tomorrow and make you watch it this weekend. Especially being the big Bears Fan... they're on their way to Chicago!!

My mom never let me have a costume that involved a mask. So I had lots of experience with face paint and the such. Was more fun that way anyway.

I don't remember the dwarf costume. I'll have to call mom tonight to see if she remembers any more. She only reads my blog every 30 days or something like that.

Pippi Longstocking... cute.

adickins00 said...

Oh and the horse costume.... WOW!!! I always had homemade costumes which really shows how much my mom loved us if she put in all that time to make us costumes. I remember how long it took to make the crayola costume. I need to find a scanner somewhere and I'll add pictures of my costumes next week. It's so much easier (and probably cheaper if you shop around correctly) to buy one. My brother was dracula one year I remember. I might have been a cowboy (again, those years in Texas that I'd like to forget.