Monday, November 07, 2005

Successful Weekend

What a great weekend. Cyclones win big, Flopeyes choke (on an onside kick at that!), Vikings looked pretty good without Dante's Inferno, and the Slackers lost at home. Red Wings beat up on the Blues in St. Louis (sorry Kevin - Osgood was in net so they should have shot from the blue line more) and are an amazing 13-2-1. Let me know if you don't know how to read that record and I will explain and no, those aren't "ties" in the 3rd column.

I also was pretty productive around the house again. My motivation to make my townhouse more personalized continued as I redid the bathroom floor. I took notes when I was living with Drew and Kristi that a "weekend" bathroom renovation project can turn into a 5 month nightmare pretty easily;) Although their finished product is amazing compared to mine, but I didn't want to go as far as they did. My goal was to just change the flooring (was an ugly green laminate which I HATED from the second I moved in. Friday night it took me all of 15 minutes to pull the base boards off, get the toilet out of the way, and pull up the ugly green floor. Then an hour later I had all the goop removed (helps having a professional grade scraper borrowed from a professional hockey coach). The moisture and smell underneath the laminate was enough to make my head hurt but I figured the faster I get done, the sooner it goes away. I had 31 tiles to lay - they are the self adhesive 12"x12" tiles that are actually pretty nice for what I wanted. It was an easy project compared to doing real tiles and having to cut those. Mine were able to be cut using a utility knife and my kitchen scissors. I laid out the 18 full tiles by 9pm - and then the fun part started. The bulk of the project was cutting to perfection all the other 13 tiles to fit. So at about midnight, my bathroom looked pretty nice with the new floor. Here are some finished pictures (with caulking finished, base boards nailed into place and toilet back to it's rightful "throne" location:

I'm much happier now. I had one little piece of base board snap in half and needs to be replaced. It's the corner piece next to the cabinets so it's hard to notice anyways. As for painting, now I'm not sure if I really want to paint it and if I did, what color I would anyways. That's a much lower priority now that the floor is tolerable.

The other project for the weekend was my Workbench. Since I don't have a huge garage, I am building a drop down work bench that is for basic functionality. I am planning on just 2'x4' which is enough for me to get things done when I'm in "project mode" and not have to continue using my kitchen table for a workbench. Well Workbench dd1.0 has some flaws to it. So I'm in the process of implementing some design changes in time to rerelease the dd2.0 this week sometime and then I can reattempt it this weekend. Basically I am going to plan B which hasn't been fully thought through yet. I have all the wood I need, but need to make some design changes before I start.

I finished all of my touch up painting that was driving me nuts. I am 100% out of the blue color that I had but luckily I had enough drops to get all the spots that were quite noticeable when you walked in. Now to get things on the walls. And buy some necessities for that 1/2 bathroom.

I have rehearsals starting up again this week. Concert is the 18th and 19th if anyone is interested. We're playing the Copeland Clarinet Concerto and some other stuff. A little more modern in nature than our typical concerts and some of you might enjoy it. I'm determined to have a positive mindset this concert and try to actually enjoy the experience. I didn't enjoy the last concert at all but I also went to every rehearsal with a negative attitude and that attitude is the first step in changing the experience. Right Nori? We're gonna have fun this concert!! And gosh darnit, PEOPLE LIKE ME!

Ok, hope everyone had a great weekend.

Song of the Day - Our lab team has developed a strong connection to 50-cent (long story as to why) so today I am still listening to the Candy Shop by 50. I know most of you hate rap but it could be worst, could be country! HAHA!

Video of the Day - I watched a new movie called Millions this weekend that was pretty interesting and I enjoyed. Takes place in England and is about a kid that finds a million quid right before the change over to the Euro. So he basically has a week to figure out what to do with it. His older brother wants to live the expensive life but our hero is very Christian and talks to all the saints throughout the movie and tries to do good things with his money. It's inspiring but I'm not sure how many 10 year olds out there can name all of their saints and the miracles that they performed.

Webpage of the Day - This redefines the term "ass-whooping" in my opinion. High School Basketball team gets embarrassed. I would have loved to have watched this game (assuming I was cheering for the winning team!).

Have a great week - enjoy your Monday!!


Anonymous said...

Bathroom looks good with the new tile. I'm also glad to hear you didn't have any trouble with the toilet like I seemed to have with both of mine. And yes doing ceramic tile for a enclosed shower and floor of the bathroom can take a bit so a year in my mind wasn't too bad. :)

Anonymous said...

The only thing missing in your new bathroom is the requisite Playboy next to your "throne".
Your bro

adickins00 said...

They're in there now.... along with the other bathroom reading materials.