Friday, November 18, 2005


This has to be the worst day ever! The Brews Brothers did not show up last night for bowling and the Lightning Dorks beat the living crap out of us. 7-0. That's the worst thing that could have happened. All of us have a share in the blame, including me not able to attend more than the first 20 minutes of the showdown. I think a game of "kick me in the jimmy" with a class full of 3rd graders would hurt less than this. Congrats to the Lightning Rides-Girls-Bikes team. In your honor, I am writing you the following haiku:

You kicked our asses
Up and down and all around
Now we have nothing

And in honor of our pathetic Brews Bros coach, you get your OWN haiku:

Pat you are worthless
Does Hockey Coach have value?
Where are the donuts

So that's all I've got to say about that.

It's snowing again in Rochester. There must have been a lot of people that read my rules for driving on the new Highway 52 yesterday as everyone was following the rules this morning on my drive in. A pleasant surprise!

Concerts tonight and tomorrow night in La Crosse. Lots of different styles of music but still a decent show for what you pay. Just wish it were warmer though! I'm off most of next week, but don't worry! I'll still be blogging!! Check back for a "Thanksgiving Week" theme! I'm also hoping to be able to blog tomorrow morning with my sports predictions as I always do on the weekends!

Song of the Day - To inspire my fellow Brews Bros, I have I Will Survive playing this morning (the kick ass Cake version)! Don't worry, we'll be back and we'll be better than ever!!!

Video of the Day - Haven't watched too much this week, but couple of movies on tap for this weekend including Madagascar, Skeleton Key, and another viewing of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles!

Webpage of the Day - I actually am linking to Kahn's blog from yesterday. Kahn described our experience with the Jones "Holiday" Pop Gift Pack. It was pretty crappy pop and I was ill all of yesterday from the Brussell Sprout Pop.

Enjoy and TGIF!!!


Kahnman said...

Good job Lightning Strikes! I'm glad to see you didn't fold under the pressure like your opponents did.

Anonymous said...

Maybe instead of Brews Brothers you should call yourselves the Brews Nothings. Because you had NOTHING on the bowling alley that could stop Lightning Strikes.