Monday, April 06, 2009

Another Monday, This Time It's April

The Braves are in 1st Place with only 161 more games to play - Granted they're 1-0 while everyone else has yet to begin, but hey - it's a start! Yeah, Major League Baseball has begun their season while it snows across the midwest. So instead of rain delays, you'll see snow delays. And they thought it was a good idea to build the new Twins Stadium without a roof... that'll make play interesting when they get back to the post season.

This week marks my 1 full year of living in Taiwan. So 12 months down. About 5 or 6 months left (to be determined). I came to the conclusion that after 12 months, the "thrill" of living in a foreign country is gone. Part of that has to do with being halfway around the world from Sarah, but I now feel like this is "home" and realize that when I do go back after this summer, it'll feel entirely new again despite being back in the US. I also find myself defensive of my "home" if anyone talks bad against Taiwan (mainly due to their ignorance). Similar to my growing up in Iowa. I can make fun of it because I grew up there, but nobody else better rip on it!

It's Easter Week. I did walk by a Christian Church on Sunday morning (with Chai) that was celebrating Palm Sunday. There were 7 or 8 people up front singing with microphones to a CD of music, and about 2 people in the congregation to listen. But they were singing for all to hear the good news that comes with Easter. But Taiwan does not have a fixation on chocolate, and marshmellow bunnies like we do back in the US. No worries, thanks to Jill I did get my fix of sugar coated marshmellows in the shape of chicks.... they were good but after my successful attempt at the Peeps Challenge a few years ago, I have to stop myself at 10 peeps.

But as Christians were celebrating Palm Sunday, it was Tomb Sweeping Day this weekend. Today was actually a national holiday in China (optional holiday in Taiwan). Pretty low key in Taipei, but the traffic in and out of town was HORRIBLE (similar to traffic around 4th of July for people heading North to the cabin).

No chance of winning my Basketball pool - well the one that has a trophy at least. If MSU wins, I win the other league, but do we really want that to happen? I'd sacrifice my pride to make sure the cheating Spartans don't win it all. No, it's been 9 years and I still haven't forgotten.

Anyway -have a good week! I head back to USA in about 10 days!!

1 comment:

Pitzen said...

Thank you for sacrificing your pride- It sure was nice to see MSU get spanked last night- even if it meant I had to watch a boring national championship game.