Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Things I'm Thankful For - Version 2008

  1. Sarah - the most incredible person I've ever known..... and the most beautiful fiance that I could have ever dreamed about
  2. The fact that Sarah said "yes".... mainly to the idea of moving to Taiwan with me, but the marriage proposal was also pretty cool to hear that response to
  3. My family - for their health and support through all my weird endeavors
  4. My friends who continue to make me feel at home despite being half way around the world from them
  5. The lady at Chipotle Headquarters who said she wishes she could send me my burrito to cure my cravings but unfortunately they can't export food very easily
  6. My kick ass neighbor in Taiwan for letting us use her BIG kitchen for our Thanksgiving dinner while she enjoys a Chipotle Burrito in the US
  7. My Fantasy Football team that has me at 9-3... now if I would only quit benching the wrong quarterback week after week!! A win this week puts me in a 3-way tie for first!
  8. Facebook which keeps me in contact with random people from my past. Plus allows me to make my smart ass comments for the world to see while only taking 10-20 seconds to type them!
  9. An Obama victory this past month - and all the people who voted for him hoping he can help lead the fix our country needs.... badly.
  10. The opportunity to see and appreciate a foreign culture.... and a big city... two things that were important to my maturing process in life.
  11. The fact that in 2 months I'll be on the white beaches and blue ocean of Bali while it's probably -10 or -20 degrees in Minnesota. Don't worry, I'll remind everyone of that again later.
  12. My Great Grandmother Nettie who turns 100 years old next week!!! Seriously!
  13. My nephews, especially Al who turns 6 years old on Thursday!
  14. My pretty much complete healing from my surgeries this summer. Never fun but the right move. Screw Mayo and their lack of effort to get me better!!!
  15. The fact that some people still read my blog, even though I've been horrible about updating it day to day.
  16. My turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin bars, and veggies that my kick ass fiance is making for me on Thanksgiving
  17. Slingbox that will allow me to watch NFL Football games Friday morning from here....
  18. The Airplane that will take us back to the US for Christmas, even if it's only for a week.
  19. And Finally - that God has blessed me so many times in my life. No matter where I go or what I do, He always is there with me!!

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