Monday, October 27, 2008

Life From Abroad

An interesting weekend... very warm here, back in the upper 80s. I'm starting to like this Taiwan for winter idea... too bad I had to do a summer here too:(

Sarah thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. For those who tried calling our home phone and told me my phone didn't work - you were correct. The home phone is now fixed, the telephone company came to the house for all of 30 seconds to reset something and test it out. But we had a fun Birthday Celebration last Friday at Amigos - Mexican food and of course: Margaritas!!!! No, she did not drink excessively since we had our final scuba training class on Saturday.

We headed to a diving pool that is 6 meters deep and great for scuba diving. This was our final lesson and we ran through the rest of the training part. It was a long day with everyone using their full tank and the heat of the day getting to us in our wetsuits. But I'll be honest, when we dove to the bottom one by one and looked up to the water at the top with bubbles rising to the top - that was pretty amazing. That was the moment I wanted to experience when we set out to do this! So we passed all the training, now we have to log 4 tanks worth of diving in the open water - 2 of them will come this Sunday when we all head up to Keelung on the North side of Taiwan. Our instructor said it's not the most beautiful place to dive, but it's a great place for beginners! We also talked about future dives on some islands to the south of Taiwan, and possibly going to Thailand next year for some diving!!

In case you were wondering, I got killed in my Fantasy Football league this past weekend. I played a good game, but every week it seems that my opponent has "career" week. This week was no exception and I lost (even have one guy playing tonight but that's not going to be enough). So I'm 5-3, but the BYE week issues are behind me and I'm still in 2nd place. I have scored the most points, but my opponents have also scored the 2nd most in the league against me..... go figure. Not too bad considering I'm half way around the world from the action. Oh, and ISU sucks again this year. New uniforms didn't help I guess - so what else can we try?

My ballot has been faxed/mailed.... should arrive in the Minnesota authorities by Monday so it will indeed be counted! Are you ready to vote? Trust me, voting from abroad is not as easy as one would think... plus I had to pay $15 in shipping to vote thanks to the rules of Minnesota. Some of you may be paying that amount in gas to get to and from the polling place.

Ok - time to go, have a great Monday!

1 comment:

MplsMom said...

Update your blog...... ;) wink wink