Monday, September 29, 2008

Jangmi... not Jumanji

We're celebrating TYPHOON DAY here in Taiwan. We were hit Sunday by Typhoon Jangmi (yes, I know if looks a lot like Jumanji which was the horrible Robin Williams movie from 1995. Also known as "the first time around for Zenthura") but Jangmi was MUCH more of a Typhoon than the one we saw a few weeks ago. Lots of heavy winds, rain, and of course closing of stores and restaurants. Saturday was actually ok to walk around, just a little misting, but Sunday was a "stay inside" day. I did brave the one block walk to 7-11 (they stay open for EVERYTHING) during the middle of the Typhoon. Good time to go pay bills and pick up some junk food for watching movies. Then just like we're little kids, we huddled around the laptops and pray for the glorious words "NO WORK AND NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY"!!!!! Just like a Snow Day. No, I don't have to make this one up;)

Saturday was also the Taipei Gay Pride Parade that Sarah and caught about 2 blocks from our house. It was MUCH bigger than I would have imagined for Taiwan, but there were lots of folks marching with signs, free condoms, free brochures, and of course, lots of unusual dress by some of the members. At points, it looked like an audition line for The Rocky Horror Picture Show! But tolerance was also shown by the people lining the streets to watch. A fun experience, one to add to my list of "Things you won't see in Rochester". Yeah, that list seems to grow everyday....

I'm finally getting over a cold. It's that "late summer" cold season around here and yes, it's just as annoying in Taiwan as it is in the US. Funny part is instead of wasting my time by going to a doctor and getting a prescription just for a cold, I can head to a pharmacy here and just tell them what's wrong - then they hook you up. I'm on some "over the counter stuff" that seemed to do the trick, but even anti-biotics are available without a prescription. People don't seem to abuse it here... that whole "responsibility" concept comes into play that I think limits us a lot in the US.

Twins blew an easy chance to get into the playoffs - now they have to hope for the White Sox to lose tonight. Otherwise they play Tuesday night in Chicago:( At least the NY Mets missed the playoffs AGAIN thanks to yet another late season slump. Maybe they should spend more money on their team (same for the Yankees).

Iowa State did NOT lose this weekend. Granted they didn't play, but a "no-loss" weekend is a win in some of our minds. Lots of upsets in NCAA football though, but the Big12 seemed to benefit out of it.

$700 Billion is a lot of money.... not sure how much I agree with it, but I do think there needs to be a large effort on "financial responsibility" which includes banks, businesses, corporations, AND people. We'll see where this "buyout" gets us.

Have a good week - hopefully I have more energy to blog this week now that I can breathe through my nose once again!

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