My pops celebrates his big day today. Since I'm 31 years old now, I'll just say that my Dad is older than 31 years old today! And since he's usually one of the first readers of my blog in the morning, I want to make sure he sees today's birthday wish! I have to do the math quick....... carry the one...... ok, got it. Still very young! In Taiwan, you still wouldn't be eligible to sit in the "reserved for elderly and handicapped" seats on the train. That should make you feel good dad!
And since I know my card won't make it there in time (finally found some greeting cards in Taipei.... there's no Hallmark over priced cards on every corner like in the US - but it would take a miracle if it arrives in Iowa today.... should have sent by BOAT I hear), I decided to put some birthday videos for all to enjoy in honor of my dad. I was going to mail you a PFD (personal flotation device.... it's not a "life jacket" since it won't save your life in a car wreck.... that was the first thing we learned in my Canoeing Merit Badge in scouts), but it was kind of expensive to mail. Hopefully it won't be needed much longer!
And I thought this one was just funny... Enjoy:
Happy Birthday Dad! See you soon!
Thanks Dude. I appreciate the bd greetings. ............Dad
Happy Birthday Mr. Dickinson!!! Hope you are dry in CR!! :)
Claire (Daly)
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