Tuesday, November 20, 2007

2 Days to go

It's Tuesday - Turkey Day is only 2 days away, as is more NFL football for those that enjoy sleeping on the couch in front of the TV while listening to John Madden talk crazy talk about how the Defensive Tackles remind him of his childhood turkey dinners. It is funny to hear how much more senile Madden gets from year to year.

I'm not so thankful for my cold that kept me up most of the night. I hate getting colds. Not sure which annoys me more, getting a cold or hearing Christmas music well before Thanksgiving!

Here's an article that really bothered me to read. All parents of kids using MySpace should read and realize that your kids are smarter than you when it comes to computers. It's bothering to see that there are parents out there who are still trying to be their child's best friend instead of their parent and disciplinary. Unfortunately, this story ends with a girl committing suicide. Do you really know what your kids are doing when they're online????

Tired of baseball yet? It's only the off season! But the good news is that Tom Glavine is returning to Atlanta to finish out his career! Now to get Maddux back in Atlanta!! I'd take him back.

Anyway - one more blog before Turkey Day!!! Have a good Tuesday!

Haiku of the Day
Turkey Says Gobble
But I do the gobbling
Once the bird is cooked

Entertainment of the Day - So I watched Knocked Up this weekend. It's the same crew as The 40 Year Old Virgin without Steve Carrell.... and it wasn't nearly as funny as the 40 Year Virgin!! Worth seeing? Maybe... Worth clearing your calendar to go see? NO!

Weblink of the Day
- And speaking of watching too many movies, here's a quiz to see how many of the mainstream movies of the past 20 years you've seen.... I scored an 85% on my test, which just shows I've seen almost all of the movies.

1 comment:

Queen Maureen said...

At bedtime, trying coating the bottom of your fees with Vicks Vap-o-rub, then put socks on. Let me know how it works, k?