It's the wrap up of 2006. It's scary to think how long ago the "90's" were at this point and only getting worse. With 2007 on the horizon, I reflect at the things I have learned in 2006:
- 14 Hour Plane rides should be outlawed in the Human Bill of Rights
- The Book is always better than the movie (2006 examples of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Da Vinci Code, among others) .... I challenge you to find me one example to contradict this
- GroundHog Day might now be my favorite holiday of the year
- Award Show Season might be more official than "Winter" now adays
- A Shovel is probably not the best Valentine's Day Gift (no, I didn't ask for it back but thanks for all the support and suggestions that I should have gotten it back!)
- Rochester now has Jimmy Johns, and a Little Caesars, but still lacks a Hardees, a Rocky Rococo or Pizzario Uno - goals for 2007!
- NASCAR is still the longest sports season known to human kind
- I was not the official "Donkey Dong" from earlier in the year.
- Giving up Alcohol AND Caffeine for lent is a bad idea. Not sure how you pregnant women can handle it for that long!
- Cops hate me and refuse to give me a warning. I must not be wearing a low enough cut shirt or something!
- Chuck Norris' dog is trained to pick up his own poop because Chuck Norris does not take sh!t from anyone!
- Someone still thinks that Ashley (aka "TipDrill" has my phone number.... I do get some humorous calls now and then when they're not expecting a guy to answer her phone.
- Life is better with Cingular... just wish I could get my Answer Tones to work correctly
- Gas companies are the devil
- Even a change of most of his cabinet doesn't make Bush any less of an idiot
- Every song could use more cowbell!
- Disco is making a strong comeback! Wait for it.... wait for it....
- Many many babies born in 2006.... and I'm sure many many more in the next year (none for me!!)
- Living alone for the first time ever has its advantages... I still miss ya Adam!
- Elvis gets cooler every year that passes...
- I smell Shenanigans!!!
- It is very hard to be a Cyclone fan with years such as this one past.... only room to improve in 2007!
- Indian women are very pretty.... and hitting on Sid's sister in front of Sid is a lot of fun!
- Vegas and California are fun places to go visit. Vegas is a totally different place to visit when you're single vs being in a relationship!
- Goodbye and Thanks again to Andre Agassi for many memories and inspiration to me as a kid growing up wanting to be like him.
- Management causes a lot less free time in my life during the day. It also only gets easier with time.
- Christmas decorations and shopping starts earlier every year.... expect it to start shortly after Easter in 2007!
- Being Single is much less stressful than being in a relationship:) C'est la vie!
Song of the Day - For Drew, I will listen to Metallica today. Drew is one of the bigger Metallica fans I have ever known. He wanted to name his son "Lars" but Kristi didn't go for that one. I suggested "Hetfield" as a unique tribute in a name but that suggestion didn't make it too far either. We like "Joey" all the same!
Video of the Day - I watched Jackass 2 yesterday and it's even funnier than the first one. Part of that might also be because it's not on TV anymore so it's been a long while since I've seen the Jackass crew do their stupid stunts. It was pretty funny and there are a lot of snakes in there for those of you who don't like snakes (not me anymore!)
Webpage of the Day - Some random webpage with "50 Things We Know Now (That We Didn't Know This Time Last Year)". Interesting read if you're bored.