Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Entertainment Day

In celebration of my 7am meeting and many more to follow, I present a different format for today only:

Here are a bunch of online games to play today while you're bored (or on conference calls)

Stationary Movies.... I have 10 of them so far, still working on the next 10.
Four Second Firestorm.... This will make your head hurt - try to figure out how to play the 4 second games, then complete each one in under 4 seconds. Not nearly as easy as it sounds.
Irritating Game... Click on the UK flag in the lower left before beginning.

Heather's Favorite movie is now re-enacted by Bunnies (in 30 seconds)!!! FIGHT CLUB!!

And finally, your news of the weird... there's an ape running rampant in Des Moines and it's pulling fire alarms!!!

Have a good day!!

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