Thursday, January 12, 2006

Lessons Learned

Another long day of work, but a much more successful one. Chances of Big Show leaving Japan on Saturday are 65%!

I had the most interesting dinner tonight with some of the guys from work. It was very formal Japanese meal and very nice... but I've never been so distraught after a meal. I did try many things, and none of them will be on my list of things to eat when I get home. Among them tonight were squid (raw), tuna (raw... Claire, you're a big fat liar!), some kind of muscle (cooked), oyster (fried), cabbage with some kind of fishy sauce (yuck), shrimp on a stick (fried), and some black beans. If I could force the food up, I'd go find McDonald's. Yes, I'm brave and I swore that I'd at least try things. They did have shrimp with the eyeballs looking at you... no thanks.

To sum up my experience of this week so far.... I present to you:

Thirty Things I Have Learned While Working In Japan
By Adam Dickinson

1. When you have a choice between the red tea and the green tea… ALWAYS choose the green tea (just like in the Matrix)
2. Not only does Octopus look gross, it tastes gross too
3. If you’re going to wear a bright orange short sleeved shirt on the subway while everyone else is wearing blue or black suits, expect to stand out and be stared at.
4. When you’re a foot taller than everyone else around you (minimum 100 people), expect to stand out and be stared at.
5. When you weigh as much as 3 of the normal people here and you are the last one to get on a crowded elevator, expect nervousness.
6. Tuna sushi is somewhat edible, as long as you don’t smell it first
7. Other non-US countries actually learn to walk more than a block after parking somewhere. There is no “driving to look for a closer spot”
8. Most things taste better NOT knowing what it really is.
9. Japanese is a very fast language but seems very powerful. Don’t piss off someone that can raise his or her voice while speaking quick Japanese.
10. Bowing is an extremely courteous way to say hi to someone
11. Bowing this much when you’re not used to it can begin to hurt your neck and back.
12. God gave humans rice for us Westerners to fill ourselves with when all other food doesn’t look good or taste as good as it looked.
13. Tofu is only good warm…. And for only 3 bites when this occurs.
14. When in a country that drives on the opposite side of the road, you learn to look BOTH ways before crossing. And usually twice.
15. Not everything translates correctly when telling a joke. Puns are usually not understood by people where English is not their native language.
16. Just like when we were kids, it is easier to get places when you have a map with pictures (whether it be actual pictures or cartoons – either will suffice). It is the same with ordering food.
17. Do not attempt to speak Japanese, especially repeating something you thought you heard someone say. Mispronunciations can have a totally different context than what you are attempting to communicate.
18. Japanese keyboards slow you down when typing on due to the extra keys, the smaller space bar, and the Enter key being smaller. The Delete key is thankfully in the same location and same size.
19. People talk just as loud on cell phones in Japan as they do in the US. Must be a natural human characteristic after all.
20. “Alternative” or “grunge” to the Japanese is someone that wears jeans. Earrings and “hair expressions” are not common.
21. 1000 yen (about $8.75 US) is a lot of money to pay to use a hotel pool.
22. Not all cookies taste good.
23. Gagging reflex after eating certain cookies is a natural thing to do. This is the same reflex that occurs after second bite of octopus.
24. Christmas carols are still played through at least the 12th of January. This is not necessarily a desired thing.
25. There seems to be no language barrier in the language of babies. A screaming baby in Japan sounds just like a screaming baby in the US.
26. Little kids (when not crying and screaming) can be just as cute in Japan as they are in the US. Expect weird looks from such kids though when they see you walking by.
27. Evian bottled water is over priced in any country.
28. Assume everyone in Japan knows some form of martial arts. Even though they are smaller than you, they can still hurt you.
29. Respecting others, no matter what level they are in “society” should be standard in all countries, not just Japan. The 2nd line Manager still bows to the guard at the front gate as he comes in.
30. Japan is a wonderful, yet very expensive, place to visit. Plan a lot of extra money to site see, shop, meals, travel than you would to Europe. One day’s spending money in Japan would last a week in China.

Have a great Thursday!!!!


Kahnman said...

Now you know...and knowing is half the battle!

Anonymous said...

Octopus & sushi are soooooo yummy. Mmmmm I'm so jealous. I love all that kind of stuff.
