Tuesday, September 20, 2005

U2, Paint, Family Guy and He-Man

3 days till U2!! Hoping they do another great rendition of Trash, Trampoline, and the Party Girl this time like in Chicago. What a great song!

So for those that know me well, and for those that don't, you'll understand why I say that giving me a blog page was pretty ignorant and dangerous for the Kings and Queens of the internet for two main reasons - 1) I tend to be a tad long winded. So some of these posts might take you an entire lunch break to read. Hope none of you are causing danger to your area by reading my blog ("HIT THE RED BUTTON TO MAKE THE REACTOR SHUT DOWN" "I can't, Adam's still talking in his blog.... give me another minute and I'll hit the button"). 2) I have a short attention span so I tend to jump from subject to subject quickly and very often without transition.... so keep up with me here. If you need some practice with this subject-jumping thing, come borrow Family Guy Seasons 1-3 from me and you'll know why that cartoon is the best thing on TV right now.

I recently bought a town house (moved in first part of June 2005). For the past 3 months, I've just lived with the white and cream colored walls that resided there when I took over. The time has come to adorn the place with a little bit of life and vigor. Last night my friends Jen and Tanya came over for the long selection process of finding paint colors and I think we have it. Now think of Ralph Lauren type colors... very earthy and stylish:) But for the kitchen, I'm going with "Classic Burgundy". Yes, that is a wine color so there will be lots of wine drunk in there. For the main color in the living room, it is a khaki type color called "Almond Toast". Then for fun (explaining this is the hard part) we are adding squares in a random pattern around the top of the cabinets in the kitchen and into the dining room with a darker shade of the main khaki ("Congo Brown") and a lighter shade ("Safari"). It'll be really cool. Then the fireplace wall will be again the "Classic Burgundy". In the back hallway and bathroom I have "Newburyport Blue" ready to go. It'll look pretty sweet and I'll put pictures here first when I get them. Here's a quick shot of all the colors I just referenced:

So I was going to paint this weekend but since I'm off to Burlington, VT this weekend for work for 2 weeks, I think I'm going to just wait till I get back to do the whole thing rather than mess with a half painted house or unfinished project.

Still only 3 days till U2:( I have to stop looking at the clock.

Song of the Day - Well, Record of the day is Achtung Baby by U2 (of course) which is in the running for Best Album ever recorded. I think on that list, there might be at least 2 U2 CDs or the final 5. I'll do that list for you soon to discuss and laugh at. But Achtung Baby invokes all kinds of emotion that as a listener, I should be thankful to be on the journey with the band. From the start with Zoo Station and an almost anger that you feel, to One where you sit back and see the duality of love and of life. The battle like introduction of Until the End of the World which btw might be some of the best lyrics ever written..... the Last Supper and final days of Christ as written through the eyes of Judas. Try to do a Google search on how many times that's been done. A party like music with The Fly and of course.... Mysterious Ways which might be their best. And the truthful words of Love is Blindness...... did I miss anything? Just go listen to it today while at work/school.... you'll be laughing, crying, singing, and contemplating life all within the 58 minutes of the CD.

Video of the Day - Since I referenced Family Guy earlier, I thought it quite appropriate to plug any or all of the episodes of the Family Guy. I know Kahn loves it! The ability to entertain and keep the viewer guessing as to where they're going next is amazing. But again, pay attention or else you will get left behind.

Webpage of the Day - I waited all night and morning to be able to post this one for you. HE-MAN was a childhood favorite of mine to watch after school. I think it was on at 3:30 which just meant I had to high tail it home after school to catch the full episode. No messing around. He-Man was there with Transformers and GI Joe. All deal with the battle of GOOD vs EVIL. Don't get that as much now a days with Dora the Explorer and BackYardagans. So I was sent this link yesterday after I'd already posted my blog for the day..... so enjoy with headphones and try very very hard not to sing along! I'm still laughing. Enjoy!

Have a great day!!! 3 MORE DAYS TILL U2!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Great webpage of the day!

Anonymous said...

You're my He-Man, Big Shoe.

Kahnman said...

That He-Man clip was hilarious! Do you think that was all vintage footage? I liked the little twitch dance move on the checkered floor. Good stuff.